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Summary in EN |
Dear Visitors,
on this web page we would like to provide you with all general information about our club and its activities. Information available herein is also a main summary of all available data concerning our Club which are published in English language.
Our Club is considered as a community association set up on non-commercial basis and is registered with the particular authorities. The Club was set up in 1968 and has had a successful history for more that past 40 years. In a long term the main concentration is given onto the area of heraldry and aristocratic (dynastic) genealogy of countries located in central eastern region (for further details please visit the following link).
Our Club specializes mainly in the following activities:
Unfortunately, our Club does not have sufficient financial resources which could be located in order to provide commercially based services as mentioned above. Please bear in mind that these activities are also very time consuming. In case that you request such service, we would like to recommend you organizations providing such services on commercial basis. The following link lists an overview of organizations providing professionally such services.
What the Membership brings:
Conditions for joining our Club:
Registration fees for a membership in 2008 are as follows:
U Rajské zahrady 20
Praha 3 - Žižkov
PSČ 130 00
Czech Republic
Phone & fax: +420 608.607.260 (from 8:00 PM to 6:00 AM),
E-Mail: heraldika@email.cz,
Website: http://www.heraldica.cz,
Webmaster: Email,
Main communication language is Czech. English or German language is used very rarely.
We also offer available thematic bibliography (heraldic - genealogic literature), either in soft or digital version. The list of all given options can be reviewed on the following link. The majority of literary works is published in Czech language. There are only few exceptional pieces written in German.
If you are interested in purchasing one of the available literature, please send the total amount of the price given (including the postal fee) to the above provided Club's account number. Once the payment is received, the requested package will be sent to the address of the purchaser.
Articles Accessible on WWW,
Complete List of Our Publications with Table of Contents, Register and Sample Articles,
Frequently Asked Question & Description o heraldic and genealogic terminology (Adopt from Otto Educational Dictionary),
Overview of organizations providing professionally services,
Offer of available thematic bibliography (heraldic - genealogic literature),
Related WWW Links,
Search (heraldica.cz only),
Warning: All information is available in Czech language only.